
Why Open Source?

Our main priority is Bitcoin’s success, and everything else is second. We aim to build a timeless index of Bitcoin content.
We want the summaries, if good enough, to outlive us. We welcome other people’s contributions. And it’s simply the right thing to do.

Why In 2 Minute Summaries?

The only thing that’s more scarce than Bitcoin is time.

As explained in our introduction, the quality content is being made at a faster speed than the average Bitcoiner can consume it.

2 minutes, or 476 words, is a good balance between conciseness and length that helps provide both short summaries without missing major points, and is pleasant to read on mobile.

How Do You Select Content?

There isn’t a formal process, but we tend to prefer older content that’s stood the test of time. Such content is more likely to not have been read by newcomers and that’s where 2minutebitcoin brings value by making it digestible for anybody.